Monday, September 8, 2014

My Fantastic Road Trip Adventure' 3rd installment

Tom's home which he built with his own two hands,was beautiful...I was very impressed and proud of him...custom built to meet their needs and requirements. A front porch and colorful flowers in the front yard welcomed me. A center hall entrance and open floor plan made it bright and airy. The wood floors and fireplace and mantle made it homey. It was so good to sit at the kitchen table with a bowl of fresh fruit salad and catch up with my brother. His wife, Maria, her son & their grandson were at a family birthday party which allowed us one on one time which was needed, it had been too long.The gang returned home, introductions were made and excitement ensued. The plan was to go out to dinner and meet up with Samantha, Tom's daughter and her twins Lucas & Logan who were going on 2 yrs. old. It was a joy and delight to first meet them. Unfortunately there was over an hour wait to be served once we were seated and the toddlers got restless. Mama Sam handled the situation beautifully with the help of Grandma Maria. A photo op occured and this moment in time was captured beautifully for posterity. A blues fest was on the agenda for the evening but rain changed that plan and we relaxed at home. Sunday morning was breakfast at Ogonguit Beach with Tom, Maria & grandson Jace followed by a tour of the historic area. Back home Maria made her famous fish chowder to be savored by all. As luck would have it my other brother Dick happened to be in town for a clambake and he was invited to stop by and visit with us afterwards. Dick is a great story teller an d had us all laughing. Tom on the other hand builds beautiful homes in the area, each has their own gifts. The Portugese festival was on tap next ...but again,rained out. What to do with an energetic 7 year old in the house? The child himself looked up on google : 11 things to do on a rainy day. Such a resourceful kid! Wound up making a video of Jace drumming on...himself. How talented is that, we laughed and laughed, it was so hilarious.
Wildlife sightings in Ma., first day spotted a large deer in Tom's backyard leisurely checking out the compost pile, unrushed as could be. I swear he turned & look me right in the eye and when finished he gracefully strolled away. What a gift to observe. We were also graced by the visit of 3 wild turkeys. Later that evening Tom invited me to join him @ his AA meeting which I welcomed the opportunity and was uplifted by it. I inquired where Rosa, our mother was buried and he asked if I'd like to go visit the site on Cape Cod. So early the next morning we took a ride to Cape Cod  Cemetery. It was peaceful and healing. We put flowers on the grave and said a prayer. Then it was time to depart to my next destination , cousin Regina in Northampton. The end of a beautiful visit, my heart overflowed with love & joy.

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