Monday, November 24, 2014

My Fantastic Road Trip Adventure ...installment #7

Sunday was my big book signing event. Suzi was my manager for the day.We arrived at Unity at the appointed hour 9:30 am.I was introduced to the bookstore lady who helped me set up my table. Then Suzi & I went in the chapel for a few moments of quiet meditation & after that I joined the prayer circle before the service.The service was uplifting and thrilling, I was introduced to the community as requested. After the service they had set up another table for me in the narthex to sign books. Friend Trish came over and bought the first book and made a date to have dinner with me that evening.Many of the folks I had known there were not in attendance this particular was August after all.Lesson One-don't do a book tour in Aug.
It was hot dog Sunday @ church which hot dogs for ALL! So Suzi and I enjoyed a delicious hot dog. An old friend Maureen came by to say Hi & invited me to the Unity Women's group who were meeting @ her home that afternoon for a pool party.Unfortunately I had other commitments.Then Jane the musical director of the choir I used to sing in came over to greet me warmly & we had a photo op. A couple of more people bought books . I was surprised that the people I thought would buy books didn't and the people I didn't expect to did. Go figure! It was a learning experience anyway and great to see some old friends.My 3 minutes of fame over, Suzi helped me pack up and we were off to the next event.All in a day's work.