Saturday, September 3, 2016


'What a difference A Day Makes...
 'Necessity is the mother of invention! And I ask you,is all this technology really necessary? I'll give you some examples : last week I went to the movies, a favorite pastime of mine. My friends and I approached the box office and were shown a map of the theater; there were only 3 seats available in the front row and we had arrived half hour early? We took them as the theater offers lounge seats so we'd be laying down anyway, necks saved. To our surprise upon entering, the theater was quite empty. Hmm! After the film started, it was still half empty. What kind of a system is this? I wondered. After the show I voiced my concerns to guest services to which they replied,'People like it like this.' What people ? The ones who bought tickets online and decided to do something else and cancelled right before the show started? And how is the walk in patron to know this? So now my movie going pleasure is impacted by technology AKA stress!
Next day I go to the bank ...and I am horrified! Where are all the people/tellers I ask? Oh we skype now with a live teller....and led me to the machine. Where are you, I asked the girl in the machine? Oh I'm in the main office, how can I help you? Humph!
As I left the man at the desk said,;'That wasn't so bad,was it?' Another adjustment I replied AKA Stress!
Now don't get me wrong, I love my Ipad. It meets all my computer needs: email. facebook and pix. Still I do all my writing by hand first,then second the computer. And how about when travelling, getting your boarding pass? I recently took a dry run to the Clearwater/St. Pete airport and inquired while I was there if I could get my boarding pass. Only 24 hours before the flight was the answer,online. What if I don't have a printer? Tough Luck! what if I get it at the airport day of? $5.00 fee. These are the little technical things that stress me out...but I can get it at the library IF hours are conducive. Problem solved.
What can I say about all this? I often have a heart to heart talk with myself and tell me that I know I'm an intelligent woman and I can learn anything I set my mind to and I set my intention to become more computer friendly and then I go to my favorite librarian and ask for help. Progress is always touted as the ultimate goal, pioneering new horizons in technology. I do admire Steve Jobs. Yet there is a persistent voice out there that cries,Back To Nature! put down that device and get out in the woods. What feels better? In my humble opinion I think balance is the key. If I were to drop out completely is one option to choose but if I choose be part of the community ongoing dialogue of life I need to keep abreast of technology or be left in the dust. What's your choice technology or nature? Or the best of both?
P.S. I'm in Maine on a beautiful vacation with the Girlz., We go out for our first lobster dinner on the first night there. I choose a lobster roll. We're in bliss enjoying the delicious food,the sights and sounds of the evening and each other. It's a perfect moment in time. And when I go to pay : my card is rejected. bubble bursts. How did this happen? I know I have money in my account. I think ,I should have told the bank I'm going to Maine...but it's not overseas? Duh! And it's the weekend ,helpless,moneyless till Monday. My friend and hostess offers to spot me and I can write her a check later, don't worry. But I do worry, this doesn't feel good. Finally Mon. comes and I reach my bank. My account has been compromised,someone in Battlecreek, Mi. tried to buy $150. worth of pharmacy products. Drugs, I wonder. So to protect me, they blocked my account. That's great, but I'm in Maine with no money. Here's what we can do...go to an ATM machine,call me, I'll take the block off and you can get cash. Then I'll put the it back on. So that was the plan and it worked. I'm in the money once again. Now I'm back home and I go to my bank to get a new card with chip for protection. Right, the last one had the chip also. How does this happen I ask? 'If you use it at Walmart or a gas station...only all the time I say. Feeling vulnerable, let's go back to cash I say. And only 2 months ago I was hacked on a Friday night. How smart are 'they'?
Oh the joy and wonder of technology. Not!

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