Monday, January 25, 2016

What A Difference A Book Makes

What a Difference A Book Makes

How I love my books! Let me count the ways; best friend, best companion, best informer and on and on. I love my books so much that I love to share them with ,y loved ones, friends and family. Two outstanding books on my list that I read read daily are meditation books : Peaceful Living and Walking on Alligators. Peaceful living is a daily meditation book for compassionate communication which I have been studying for the past 3 years. When a friend suggested this book to I jumped on Amazon and ordered one for myself.
Walking on Alligators is a daily meditation book for writers. I was teaching a class on Creative Nonfiction for Keep Saint Pete Lit when one of my students recommended it to me. From your students you’ll be taught. After about a year or so of daily reading these two books as part of my morning practice and finding them so helpful in my life, I decided to send a copy of each to my daughter Joanne and her two sons,my grandsons Bobby and Danny who write also. It’s a family affair.
Ideally I was imagining the 4 of us each morning reading the Same passage, me in Florida,Joanne in New York, Bobby in Alexandria and Danny in Austin. Feeling connected. But it’s not an ideal world so here’s what really happened… I was having a catch up chat with my daughgter on the phone, telling her of a situation I had and the strategy I used to resolve it. That’s just like todays readingbshe said. What! You’re reading the daily meditations? Well, it’s in the bathroom so…she trailed off. I was so excited but remained calm on the phone. I was smiling to myself. On another chat after I had decided to write about giving a book , I asked her for feedback. It’s repetitious, she replied…but I like the writers meditations, I already read 4 of them. You win some you loose some, but who’s  keeping score?
Next I called my grandson Bobby and inquired if he had a chance to crack open the book. Actually Nana as you know we just moved and with the holidays and all, not so much. Okay Honey, if you do get a chance let me know what you think. A week or so went by and I get an email from Bobby. Nana, I really like the writers meditation book. I especially liked the passage by Nora Ephron about turning tragedy into comedy. (he recently hsad just overcome a bout with cancer,and won) I think it will help m3e move forward with my writing. I’m all smiles,I’m so happy.
Now Danny grandson number two is a writer of a different kind,he’s a songwriter,musician, English teacher by day. I gave Danny a call,left a message saying I wanted to interview him for a piece I’m writing. He knew to what I was referring we had previously discussed it. So, he emailed me saying, Nana I haven’t read the book…if I’m not interested I don’t have the patience,guess I’m like my Dad in that way. I thanked him for his honesty, told him it was only meant to read a day at a time, a page at a time. Honestly, I was thrilled that he trusted me  enough to be forthcoming with the truth. This was a very good turn of events in our relationship. I smiled. He did give me a follow up call over the weekend and we laughed together over life.
All in all ,the difference that these books made in my relationships with my daughter and 2 grandsons was phenominal! They were the catylist  to greater connection. And after these discussions,sometime down the road they may of their own volition crack op4en a book and find a blessing….more will be revealed. I smile.
And as for me, I continue my practice of reading a page a day on communication and writing. It gives me great joy!

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